
Saturday, December 28, 2019

Conjugation of the Spanish Verb Salir

Salir, a common verb that typically means to leave, to exit or to depart, is irregular in ways that few verbs are. A -ga- or -dr- is inserted in some endings in ways that arent predictable. The only frequently used verb that is conjugated in the same way as salir is sobresalir, which usually means to stand out or to tower above. Two rare verbs, also based on salir, share the conjugation. They are resalir (an architectural term for emphasizing a feature in a building) and asalir (to leave for a meeting). Irregular forms aestabanre shown below in boldface. Translations are given as a guide and in real life may vary with context. Infinitive of Salir salir (to leave) Gerund of Salir saliendo (leaving) Participle of Salir salido (left) Present Indicative of Salir yo salgo, tà º sales, usted/à ©l/ella sale, nosotros/as salimos, vosotros/as salà ­s, ustedes/ellos/ellas salen (I leave, you leave, he leaves, etc.) Preterite of Salir yo salà ­, tà º saliste, usted/à ©l/ella salià ³, nosotros/as salimos, vosotros/as salisteis, ustedes/ellos/ellas salieron (I left, you left, she left, etc.) Imperfect Indicative of Salir yo salà ­a, tà º salà ­as, usted/à ©l/ella salà ­a, nosotros/as salà ­amos, vosotros/as salà ­ais, ustedes/ellos/ellas salà ­an (I used to leave, you used to leave, he used to leave, etc.) Future Indicative of Salir yo saldrà ©, tà º saldrà ¡s, usted/à ©l/ella saldrà ¡, nosotros/as saldremos, vosotros/as saldrà ©is, ustedes/ellos/ellas saldrà ¡n (I will leave, you will leave, he will leave, etc.) Conditional of Salir yo saldrà ­a, tà º saldrà ­as, usted/à ©l/ella saldrà ­a, nosotros/as saldrà ­amos, vosotros/as saldrà ­ais, ustedes/ellos/ellas saldrà ­an (I would leave, you would leave, she would leave, etc.) Present Subjunctive of Salir que yo salga, que tà º salgas, que usted/à ©l/ella salga, que nosotros/as salgamos, que vosotros/as salgà ¡is, que ustedes/ellos/ellas salgan (that I leave, that you leave, that she leave, etc.) Imperfect Subjunctive of Salir que yo saliera (saliese), que tà º salieras (salieses), que usted/à ©l/ella saliera (saliese), que nosotros/as salià ©ramos (salià ©semos), que vosotros/as salierais (salieseis), que ustedes/ellos/ellas salieran (saliesen) (that I left, that you left, that he left, etc.) Imperative of Salir sal (tà º), no salgas (tà º), salga (usted), salgamos (nosotros/as), salid (vosotros/as), no salgà ¡is (vosotros/as), salgan (ustedes) (leave, dont leave, leave, lets leave, etc.) Compound Tenses of Salir The perfect tenses are made by using the appropriate form of haber and the past participle, salido. The progressive tenses use estar with the gerund, saliendo. Sample Sentences Showing Conjugation of Salir Nadie los vio salir. (Nobody saw them leave. Infinitive.) Inglaterra ha salido de la institucià ³n europea, pero no ha salido de la economà ­a europea. (England has left the European institution, but it hasnt left the European economy. Present perfect.)  ¿Quià ©n dice que hemos salido de la crisis econà ³mica? (Who says that we are out of the economic crisis? Literally, who says that we have left the economic crisis? Present perfect.)   Las cosas se estaban saliendo de control. (Things were going out of control. Present progressive using the gerund.) A esa hora, en la costa oriental de Estados Unidos, la Luna estarà ¡ ponià ©ndose y el Sol estarà ¡ saliendo. (At that time on the east coast of the United States, the moon will be setting and the sun will be rising. Future progressive.) Salgo de mi trabajo a las tres de la maà ±ana. (I get off work at 3 a.m. Present indicative.) Los buses salen cada 20 minutos. (The buses leave every 20 minutes. Present indicative.) Todos los estudiantes salieron con là ¡grimas en los ojos. (All the students left with tears in their eyes. Preterite.) Podà ­as ver cà ³mo le salà ­a sangre de sus ojos. (You could see there was blood coming out of her eyes. Imperfect.) La verdad saldrà ¡ a la luz. (The truth will come to light. Future.) No saldrà © si mi padre no quiere que salga. (I will not leave if my father doesnt want me to.  (Future,  present subjunctive.) Aunque hacer helados caseros no es excesivamente complicado, lo cierto es que se necesita un equipamiento bà ¡sico para que salgan lo mà ¡s deliciosos posible. (Although making home-made ice cream treats isnt especially complicated, it is certain that you need basic equipment so they turn out as delicious as possible. Present subjunctive.)  ¿Que pasarà ­a si la Tierra se saliera de su à ³rbita? (What would happen if the Earth left its orbit? Imperfect subjunctive.) Si salià ©semos a la calle a preguntar por la mejor serie de videojuegos de basket, probablemente 9 de cada 10 nos responderà ­an â€Å"NBA 2K†. (If we were to go out on the street to ask what is the best basketball game video series, probably nine out of 10 would respond with â€Å"NBA 2K.† Imperfect subjunctive.) S​al ahora de tu zona de confort. (Get out of your comfort zone now. Imperative.) No salgà ¡is de allà ­ hasta que encontremos lo que queremos saber. (Dont leave from there until we find out what we want to know. Negative imperative.)

Friday, December 20, 2019

Why Are High School Students Not Considered For Adults

Adulthood Why are high school students not considered to be adults? By definition an adult is â€Å"a person who has attained the age of majority. The age of majority is the legally defined age at which a person is considered an adult, with all the attendant rights and responsibilities of adulthood† (Adult Law). Eighteen is the legal age to be considered an adult. Being an adult at the age of eighteen is defined in many different ways. According to the law eighteen is defined as â€Å"It is the age at which one becomes a legal adult and gains full legal rights. It is also the age at which a person is liable for their own actions, such as contractual obligations or liability for negligence. In general, a parental duty of support to a child ceases when the child reaches the age of majority† (Adult Law). Seniors in high school are of the age of eighteen, if not, getting ready to turn eighteen. Schools are expecting them to go out into the real world shortly following their senior y ear, but yet do not let students make their own decisions like they are adults. Students need more responsibilities so they know how it feels to have to be the adult in the real world. Students over the age of eighteen in Indiana should be treated as adults because they are legally considered to be adults. Technology is advancing every day. â€Å"More than 203 million people in the United States use cell phones† (Castle), but schools expect students not to use it. Cell phones play a huge role in high schoolShow MoreRelatedWe Can Fight in a War, but Cant Have a Drink?877 Words   |  4 PagesPeople have always told me that high school and college would be the best times of my life. Not only do young adults get to venture off from home on their own during college, but they finally get to make their own decisions without having to wait for the approval from a parent. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Components of Business Communication †Free Samples for Students

Question: What Is the Components of Business Communication? Answer: Introduction Business communication refers the sharing of information between two parties within or outside the business organization in regard to commercial benefits. As defined by McLean (2010), business communication may also means the process by which information is relayed within the business from one person to another. Business communication facilitates the flow of information from various people that may include customer, employees and the organization management. Business communication is critical part of organization management and plays an important role in organizing, planning, staffing and controlling. Therefore effective and efficient business communication process in an enterprise is essential for its survival in the society. Changes in the business communication are facilitated by the growth in technology that has reduced the world into a global village. Emergence of social media has therefore cause drastic impact on business communication. The overall objective of this paper is to explore the impact of social media in the contemporary business communication. Business communication entails relaying information from one party to another following a prescribe channel. Therefore, the main components of business communication are message, sender, channel and recipient. Firstly, context in communication refers to the condition under which the information is passed. Business context determine the nature of message and the way message is designed. Secondly, sender or encoder is the source or composer of the information to be passed from one place to another. According to Barry and Fulmer (2004, pp 272-292), sender encode the information depending on context and the idea to be communicated. Thirdly, message or information refers to the idea that the sender or encoder want to pass to another person, business or place. Fourthly, channel or medium is the path through which the message is passed. Channel of communication can be technological such as internet or material such as papers. Finally, recipient or decoder is the final destination where the message is received decoded and content read. Changes in business communication for the past 20 years Business communication has evolves drastically over the past 20 years with changes from traditional form of business communication to modern technological business communication. Changes in the business communication can be grouped into two category, traditional business communication and technological communication. Business communication has evolved from simple traditional form of communication that composed of correspondence and telephones to more complex communication forms such as social media and cloud computing. Traditionally business information was relayed through business correspondence. Business correspondence is form of business communication that entails passing information through written format containing business activities (Barnlund 2008, pp47-57). Some forms of correspondence include letters of enquiry, claim, complains or letter of application. The business communication at this point utilizes printed communications to pass information from one person or business to another. With the introduction of telephone in mid 20th century, some business communications such as telemarketing and the facsimile were used in business marketing. Telemarketing leads to introduction of television as means of communication between business to business or between individuals (Easton and Heidewald et al 2013, p.21). Changes in business communication can also be analyzed using technological growth. Since the inception of telephones the telecommunication has change business communication drastically over the past 20 years. Growth in technology has transformed the business following introduction computers in the communication process. Computers came along with internet that simplifies communication process. Telephone on the other hand evolved to mobile phone that currently facilitates flow of information from one party to another (Crosson 2000, pp. 399-418). Business can currently advertise their products to customers over the internet. Current business communication The current modern business communication system composed of social intranet software, seamless technology integration, collaborative workplace, robust mobile devices, and use of video, cloud based application. Firstly, revolution in computer technology has develop many social intranet software that has integrated social media platforms added on it allowing users to switch from one social media to another. Secondly, the current technological growth has resulted in development of software that allows moving of data and information from one system to another. For instance, Chun and Potter (2001, pp. 20-35) explains that moving information from your computer system to the social network is made possible using computer programs. Thirdly, business communication is also enhanced by the developments of many mobile devices. There are many mobile communication devices such as phones, tablets and min computers that allow user to access communication networks from any place around the globe. Fo urthly, collaborative workplace refers to collaborative online work place resulting from integrated social components linked together. Fifthly, video can nowadays be used in every aspect of business communication ranging from video conferencing to video charting. Mangers who are far can communicate to the organization management through using video conferencing facilities. Finally, massive migration from computer based application to cloud based applications. Some companies currently can host database of many other business in their system forming cloud like network that is aided by cloud computing (Newman Scott 2013, pp 18). 21st Century Business Communication Challenges Advance technology that transforms the business communication is also accompanied with some challenges. Some of the challenges that affect business communication in the 21st century are raising insecurity, diversity of communication, faster technological changes Incorporation of social networks in the business communication process has lead to rising insecurity of databases or sensitive business information. The insecurity challenge of business communication is caused by increase in hackers that forcefully break into the business information system destroying communication process. In addition, business communication in the 21st century risks tapping of information that is passed from one person to another. Some crucial aspect of communication process such as phone calls and emails can be tracked and tapped while it is transferred from one business to another (Asforth, Kreiner Fugate 2000, pp 472-491). The second communication challenge that affects business in the 21st century is fast technological change. The current business experience changes from one form of communication to another and adaptation require everyday technological update. For instance, business that initially uses email in marketing nowadays finds it hard to use email owing to introductions of chart platforms and messaging computer programs. Budgeting for technological assets is also challenging as business need to be flexible with changes in technology (Greene 2000, pp 139-155). Reduce face to face communication due to emergence of chart platforms, social media and email technology that reduce one on one communication. With the technological growth face to face communication is continuously reduced reducing authenticity of the information that is transmitted. In the 21st century there is more business communication using social media as compared to meeting. Limited number of business meeting is coupled with organizational challenges as customers can minimally see the business people. Introduction of online retail or e-business customers can transacts business online without seeing the seller leading to customer doubt (Levine Hullett 2002, pp 612-625). Impact of social networks on business communication The above current technologies have impacted the business communication resulting to wider business opportunity and insecurity. Firstly, social media has widened the opportunity of selling or buying of good from any location around the world. Use of mobile devices enhances communication between sellers and buyers making it easy to connect business within the shortest time possible (Gergen 2002, pp. 227- 241). Secondly, locations of stores are also shifted from physical to online by the use of online e-commerce software. Retailing involve buying and selling of good to customers through series of channel of distribution. Retailing business initially composed of series of retailing store where customers access goods and services. Thirdly, business advertisement has also changed over time as many business shifts from formal advertisements to social media owing to large number of social media users. Some large retail store used to advertise their stores using television and radios. Curren tly most business advertises online using social media platforms such as email, Facebook, Twitter, Google plus etc. Currently the retailing business is utilizing modern technology to create online retail stores. A good example of business is Amazon.com that is an e-tailing business (Roy et al., 2010, pp 9-12). Case study business Amazon.com retail store Amazon.com store is an online retail store that buys and sells products and services throughout the world. Formally, business use to advertise their business over the internet though currently some businesses have shifted their base from physical location to internet. This is based on the wide network of computerized inventory and supply chain that is connected over the internet. Moreover businesses such as Amazon and Groupon are the leading online retail shop with good inter or intra business communications. Some of the items that are sold are electronic, furniture, computer accessories, clothes and books. Customers buy goods or services online using computerized programs such as e-commerce, shopping carts and auctions software. This software helps maintain inventory and monitor shipping of purchased good from one location to another (Brandt 2011, p.228). Impact of current business advertisement on Amazon.com Business advertisement has change over the past years with the introduction of social networks. Social networks are platforms where people are united hence can share information between them. Social media has change the communication from one on one to forum where different people meet, chart and share ideas or information. Social media has change the advertisement since business can design adverts and deploy adverts over the social networks for multiple users online. For instance, it is estimated that Facebook has 5 million users in Australia alone. This implies that business organization can advertise through business Facebook page that is connected to its subscribers (Huang 2000, pp 337347). Changes in the business advertisement through the use of social media, email, chart platforms and telephone have transform business communication. Business such as Amazon advertises their products and services over the social networks such as Facebook and Twitter where customers connect to their business store. Information such as new brand, price changes and changing terms of trade are communicated to customer via email or social media platforms. To become a customer to Amazon store client need to register on the online customer portal so as to be allowed to order goods or services. In addition, use of mobile phones allows communication between customers and business easy throughout the world (Spector 2002, p.132). Example uses of modern communication in Amazon.com Services or goods delivery is part of supply chain and requires movement of products or services from the business to the client through communication. In Amazon store, services deliver is enhanced by automated inventory software that monitor both stock and good or service purchased. The software is fitted with shopping cart that enhance ordering more items at the same time before payment. Customers have their goods shipped to from the company warehouses to any location. Customers fill in the online form that specifies customer location, time of delivery and conditions for delivery. All this are automated in the customer portal and gives the Amazon store direction required for good to reach the customer on stipulated time. Amazon store uses modern communication platforms to connect and pass information to customers. Moreover, customers can communicate with sellers using emails from the onset of purchase to the point of delivery of goods. In addition, chart services and social media is also used by Amazon.com to quicken its strong relationship marketing. Company uses its social media to socially connect to customers, subscribers and funs online. Clients use social media strings that are attached to their websites to connect and register as customers. The only challenge that remains is the relationship between site visitors and the actual customers who purchase products. Amazon allows payment made electronically using international money transfer systems such as PayPal and credit or debit card deposited. Payment through electronic payment system works in just a click of button (Falk, Sockel Chen 2005, pp 6575). Conclusion In conclusion, business communication system, channel or process has changed over the past few years. Business communication has changed from initial use of correspondence papers to the current collaborative online workplace. Most of the changes in the business communication are due to technological growth accompanied with computer revolution and advance software development. The peak of technological growth is the emergence of social media or networks that has taken over the formal business communication. The overall impact of communication changes is seen in the business advertisement, workplace, supply chain management and retail store location. Modern business can therefore be operated from any pace around the world using modern technologies such as social media, video conferencing and chat services. Finally, mega online stores such as Amazon have resulted from integration of different software that enables management of online shopping store possible. Customers can therefore buy goods and services online using various computer automated software. References Asforth, BE, Kreiner, GE, Fugate, M, 2000, All in a days work: Boundaries and micro role transitions. Academy of Management Review, vol.25, pp 472-491. Barry, B, Fulmer, IS, 2004, The medium and the message: The adaptive use of communication media in dyadic influence. 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Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Innovation and Entrepreneurship Ecosystem-Free-Samples for Students

Questions: 1.Identify a hypothetical's Business opportunity that if you had the funds, time and drive you would pursue as a business start-up. Provide a brief description of your organisation: its size, the industry and country/countries in which it will operate, the strategy and vision that it will adopt. 2.Provide an overview of the contextual factor and assess how you would utilise it to enhance the business practice of your organisation or business. Answers: Introduction The purpose of this essay is the identification of a hypothetical or an imaginary business opportunity that if I were given the funds time and drive me would pursue as a business start-up. In this case, it is important to be very creative and considerate of the existing market system(Furman, 2017). One ought to consider the current businesses in the field of venture and the geographical area of the establishment. Again, it is important to know a number of people the business is expected to serve, nature of the market as well as the existing market gap market gap. After this long process of consideration, if I were given funds, time and drive I would venture in putting up a chicken slaughter. This is one of the businesses that will win the attention of prospective customers because most of the people in Africa have been used to having goat and cattle butcheries. This is, of course, an idea that I believe has the potential to become a business for me to own and grow. About the organization When it comes to business organization, the size of the proposed business is very important. As mentioned earlier, I would want to start a business that would specialize in the sale of chicken meat. This, of course, won't be a small business because it wont be meant for trial. In this case, I would want to establish a very big business that would involve both the sale of fresh chicken as well as canned meat. This would be one of the biggest investments in Africa. It would be a business that covers both sellers from the national up to international level. Chicken selling, of course, will be a company. There are also other companies that deal with similar products as mine(Bhagavatula, 2017). These companies together with mine will form an industry. Therefore, my business will be one among several companies constituting the meat production industry. Again, I wouldnt specialize in only the local market. Since chicken and cattle slaughtering is more common in African than European countries, I would base my company in South Africa. This company will serve both local and international market. Mozambique, Swaziland, Zambia, DRC Congo, Kenya, among other countries are other countries that will be served by this company. Again, this company would also consider starting an export strategy where countries that are outside Africa with also get this meat. This, of course, would be one of the greatest ideas to venture in. Business strategy is also another crucial aspect of a business. This is because it provides the basis for implementing the formulated ideas for the purpose of reaching the long-term business objectives. Now, this business would have a well laid out business management that will make decisions, formulate and implement ideas necessary for achieving the business goals, the main goal being profit making. Again, every business usually has its own vision. This is what keeps it moving and shapes the future of the business(Weeger, 2015). The mission of my business would be to be the leading supplier of chicken meat worldwide and being committed to offering the best to my esteemed customers. Business organizational structure Every business, whether large or small operateswithin a well-defined organizational structure(Gao, 2017). This is very important because it leads to efficient and effective work process flow. There are a number of business organization structures which are defined by the board and senior leadership. These structures include the matrix organizational structure, functional organizational structure, product organizational structure, customer organizational structure, geographical organizational structure among other structures. In my business, the most suitable structure is the geographical organizational structure. This is a business structure that is organized by regions because it covers a span of geographic regions. This is a very important structure because it helps to support logistical demands and differences in geographic customer needs. This is a structure used by the business that goes beyond a city or a state limit and has customers in multiple countries. This structure isorganized in such a manner that geographical regions report up to a central oversight person. This structure best fits my business idea because it will serve customers from almost parts of the world. There will be officials in every country that is to be served and who will be reporting to a central oversight person in South Africa and this will ease the monitoring of the business. Business environment and their effects Business environment refers to those factors that will affect the business whether internally or externally. These are the micro and the macro business environment. Micro business environment refers to those factors that affect the business from within the business itself (Roma, 2017). Ownersstart the business and provide finance for the business upkeep. These factors affect the business either positively or negatively. I, being the owner would ensure that I organize the business well and provide enough finance for it to thrive well. The business structure is another key thing. This means activities that are carried out at various levels of the organization so that the business objective may be achieved. The poor business structure will affect the business performance while a perfect one with promoting its performance. Resources are yet another business environmental factor. These are the factors of production. We have physical resources, technological, human and financial resources. A business that has inadequate of these factors will definitely fail. Availability ofadequate human resource, production technology, finance and physical resources like the chicken will lead to a business success. Another factor is business culture. This is a very important factor. If the initiator of a business has a bad business culture the business he or she intends to start will fail. However, if one has a good culture the business succeeds. There are also other external factors. For instance, if there is an increased population in the country of investment, sales go high while a decrease would mean fewer sales. Legal-political is still another factor. If my business is allowed by the government of the countries I intend to operate in it will succeed. If it is not allowed then it will be a business failure. Another factor is the economy. If customers are able to purchase my meat my business will succeed(Quarati, 2016). If they are not able my business will fail. Another one is competition. If I am able to compete favorably with the other companies my business will be a success and if I will not be in a position to do that then my business will fail. Another important factor is culture. Of course, I won't intend to sell my chicken in countries or societies that dont eat chicken because of culture. Culture will dictate the places that I will be able to operate in. Risks that will confront the business Every business that is set usually has risks or threats that might affect it. I would specialize in the field of supplying chicken meat to the customers and of course, this business has several risks.These risks include strategic risks. For example, the previous well-laid structure or plan may seem out-dated or proof non-functional. Another risk would be compliance risk. Even though I might at first comply with the legal requirements as at that particular time, sometimes these requirements change with time. It might now be difficult to comply with them. The operational risk would be another peril. These are the unexpected failures in the company in the day to day running which might be caused by a number of things like power outage that really cause big losses(Costa, 2016). Reputational risk is another threat. If by any change my business loses reputation at one point, my sales volume would go low. Another risk would be a financial risk. If for example my biggest percentage of revenu e came from a particular customer and I extend credit period to him my solid cash would go too low. Business practices that will enhance organizational performance There are a number of business practices that I would perform to enhance the organizational performance of any business. For example, I would ensure that I get the best team. Getting the best team ranging from the least to the highest rank in the organizational structure will enhance its performance. I would also ensure that there is good communication and understanding among all the people. Communication is one very important thing. If there is the understanding among all the people involved in the business then it will run well. Engaging all people is another practice. This is another important practice. Engaging people will make them feel as being part and parcel of the company and this improves performance. Identification and removal of internal roadblocks will be another practice. This would involve looking for indicators of misalignment e.g. whether policies and work procedures help the people get the right things are done quickly(Lu, 2016). The motivation of the workers will also help improve performance. When they are motivated they feel acknowledged and appreciated and hence perform better. Functions within my business organization and how they relate to the business performance Any business organization will have different functions or department. These serve different functions towards achieving the business objective. In my business, the most important functions will be the production, research and development, purchasing, marketing, human resource management and the accounting and finance department. The production function will deal with matters concerning the slaughtering of the chicken and the canning. The research and management function will conduct research about the market and the performance of the business. The purchasing department will deal with purchases. The marketing function will be responsible for advertising and selling of the products. The human resource function, on the other hand, deals with the acquisition and management of employees. Finally, the accounting and finance department will deal with matters concerning cash inflow and outflow. These functions actually rate to the business performance(Carayannis, 2016). If every function i s responsible enough to perform its duty as expected, then the business performance will be high. In a case where there is a failure of a certain department or several of them, the business will perform poorly. 2.Contextual factor and how I would utilize it to enhance the business practice of my business Contextual factors are factors which reflect a particular context, characteristics unique to a particular group, society, community or even region. The factors affect business operations in many ways and also affect how and when the business objective will be achieved. They would too influence the business practice of any business. In cases where they are poorly utilized, the business practice will be influenced negatively(Saebi, 2016). However, if these factors are used well in their context, they will enhance the business practice. Innovation and how it can be used to enhance the business practice Innovation, on its own, refers to metamorphosis. This means the introduction of a new idea, method or device. It also means the application of better solutions or ideas that are in a position to meet unarticulated needs, new requirements or existing market needs. In the business context, however, innovation means the introduction of a new business idea that is able to close a market gap that is already existing or even better the business market by the provision of new or better commodities to the market.Innovation in business makes one produce or provide the best in the market. A producer who is innovative enough will be in a position to come up with the best business opportunity that will thrive well in the market and also be in a position to compete favorably in the competitive market. There are a number of ways that a business can use innovation to enhance business performance. Providing a conducive business environment is one of these ways that innovation will enhance business practice. Every business is aimed at operating smoothly without unnecessary interruption(Brown, 2015). In cases where there is innovation, the business owner can be creative enough to come up with ways of managing the business without problems. One of the business practices is getting the best team. In this case, the owner should be innovative enough to be in a position to acquire the best team that that will manage all the business activities well. Another business practice is the observation of business acumen. It is very important to ensure that high moral standards and virtues are observed in a business. Different people have different approaches to how this can be achieved. To be able to successfully adhere to this acumen, one ought to be innovative enough to devise new and favorable methods of achieving it. In this case, innovation will have helped in the enhancement of business practices. It is not obvious that people within the organization automatically adhere to the set moral values. It is therefore important to ensure that good method are devisedto ensure that these values are adhered to. Good customer relation is still another business practice. This means having good social cohesion and cooperation between the business and the clients. This relationship offers the best environment for the business to take place. When customers feel acknowledged and appreciated, enabling environment is created. Innovation can be used to enhance this structure. Good innovative methods can be introduced to ensure that there is a healthy relationship between the business and the market. This is one factor that will actually improve sales hence increasing profits. Another useful business practice is teamwork. This takes care of all the activities that run among the business officials from the highest to the lowest rank. A business that works together is likely to achieve its objectives easier and earlier than a business that works without harmony.Once the officials fight amongst themselves, there is obviously no progress that will take place. It is therefore important to be innovative enough to come up with ways that that will make all the business staff work together. The owner should be in a position to generate new and fresher ideas that will see the business operating as one family and one person. This is because all the officials of having a role to play in the smooth running of the business. An overview of entrepreneurship and how it will be utilized to enhance business structure This is actually a broad term. It means the process of identifying a business opportunity and acquisition of the necessary resources to start and run a business smoothly. This involves the process from the identification of the business opportunity to the point starting the business and continues to the point of business operations. The owner is the business entrepreneur and the overall boss of the business. This means that he is responsible for all activities that take place in the business ventured in. There are several ways that entrepreneurship can be utilized to enhance business practice. For instance, the entrepreneur is the owner of the business. This means that he is responsible for developing academic and business plans. The art of the entrepreneur developing good plans is one way of utilizing entrepreneurship to enhance business practices. Good planning will obviously lead to better business performance. The entrepreneur is responsible for starting the business. He therefore clearly defines areas of responsibility. This means that he assigns responsibilities and gives authority to deal with organizations goals, operating functions, objectives and regulatory requirements. To enhance this practice, the role of entrepreneurship would be the proper allocation of powers to ensure that the organization runs smoothly. Through entrepreneurship also, performance objectives are established. This involves specification of the required level of competence for qualification to a particular job. This is a major function of the entrepreneur. The initiator of the business should come up with regulations and minimum requirements to acquire a particular job. Another function of the entrepreneur is to manage the business. This means that he or she has the capacity of establishing open communication channels which facilitate the flow of information across all the activities and those who need the information. This makes the business manageable. Communication is one key factor that unites people and brings about social cohesion. In order to enhance this business practice, the owner has to establish proper communication channels that facilitate the running of the business(McLuskie, 2017). Another business practice is the provision of training. In this practice, the entrepreneur has to be responsible for acquiring all the resources that are needed to facilitate the this training The business entrepreneur is also responsible for the provision of resources necessary to run the business. These include water, electricity, and security among others. Another business practice is the provision of security and protecting the premises assets. It is the role of the entrepreneur therefore to provide this protection(Mueller, 2017). This is a very critical practice. In cases where there is low or, no security businesses will not do well. This is because customers will not delight in shopping in areas where their life is on the threat. It is possible that the customers will escape from these insecure areas and opt for areas where there is adequate security. This is how the entrepreneur will enhance business practices improving the business performance. Proper record keeping is yet another business practice. This depends on the strategies formulated in entrepreneurship. The entrepreneur is responsible for making sure that there is proper record keeping of all the activities that take place in the business. Again, the cash inflow and outflow should be well recorded in the appropriate ledgers for easy auditing and accountability. To enhance this business practice and promote transparency in the business, the owner of the business should ensure that the financial function is working properly and is provided with all the resources to ensure that there is a smooth flow of the business. Conclusion Conclusively, in the event of identifying the business opportunity to venture in one must carry out adequate research and consider the current market systems. Again, one has to be aware that there are both internal and external factors that affect the business. One has, therefore, the responsibility of ensuring that he or she meets what ought to be met and innovatively derives mechanisms of dealing with these factors. It is also important to know that some contextual factors such as innovation and entrepreneurship can be utilized to enhance business practices.Businesses that have good business practices and support from the entrepreneur run well and easier than those with poor structures and poor management. References Bhagavatula, S. M. (2017, May). Management and Organization Review Special Issue The Innovation and Entrepreneurship Ecosystem in India. Management and Organization Review, pp. 208-213. Brown, A. A. (2015). 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